Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 62

Sunny morning but cool (5 degrees). We got our hour walk in this morning. Tammy brought Payton here at 1130 and she was here until 1500. Into Woodstock and picked up the paint to do the sun room. After supper into Noel's to see the grandkids and picked up his power saw. Will see if it works tomorrow. Will cut some trees and trim the bottom limbs on some others on our lots. Also, will cut up the big trees once we are get them taken down - hopefully the company will be here this week to do the job. Received the cell phone booster that I ordered on Friday from Ebay. Seems to work good, my phone went from 1 bar to 3 or 4 bars with the antenna in a window. Should be much better when I get it installed on the roof. Ruby said her phone went from 2 bars to 6 bars although there are only 5 bars on her phone - so it must be a really good booster to add another bar lol.

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