Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 72

Another great morning for our walk - frost last night but sunny and cool this morning - am I sounding like a broken record lol. Man we're having great weather.
Started installing baseboard this morning after our walk and breakfast. The grandkids here. The tree company showed up at 1130 and took down the 2 big trees - the grandkids had a great time watching the bucket truck and the large crane. They weren't long cutting the 2 trees and laying them on the ground in our 2nd lot. One man was back at 1400 with the grinding machine to grind away the stumps - it's quite the machine and did a great job. Now the works starts as I have to limb and cut up the trees and carry it away. I think Noel is going to take most of the wood for his fire pit. The patio was drove up on one corner by the roots of the trees so before leveling out where the stumps were, as most of it was all ready dug away, I dug away the ground around the patio post and block. Then I jacked up the corner of the patio to clear away the roots etc, lowered the block under the leg and let the corner of the patio settle onto the lowered block. Now we have a level patio - that corner anyway. Shoveled all the cuttings from the grinding machine back into the flower bed where the stumps were. With the trees gone we will get a lot more sun into our living room and it looks a whole lot better.

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