Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 2602

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 12. Its 5 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and out the door this morning for their mom to pick them up. Then into Woodstock to our auto dealership. They took our vehicle to a detailing place to have the bubble removed from the tape they installed around the doors - got it done this time. After I got back home I brought Landon up to have breakfast with us. After breakfast we, along with Landon, went to our doctor in Thamesford to get our medicine prescription for our 6 months in Florida. Then into Woodstock to pick up a few things. After we got back home we started packing things in our vehicle for our Florida trip. Then Ruby into Woodstock to pick up Chinese food for supper for everyone - Bob & Sue here also. After supper we took the grandkids out trick or treating.

Halloween with the family.....

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