Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Day 2582

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 19. Its 12 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and out the door this morning to be picked up by their mother. Then me and Noel went into Woodstock to pick up some materials for the garage. When we got back I brought Landon up to have breakfast with me and Ruby went onto Woodstock for her TOPS meeting & shopping after. After breakfast me & Noel got working on the garage roof - put some more strapping on the peak for the ridge cap, filled in some spaces between the strapping on the gables, installed the metal trim on the gables and installed the ridge cap. In the afternoon Noel had someone here to back fill around the garage. We then cut and drilled the metal panels for one side of the top section of the roof. Ruby picked up Damien & Payton from school and they are here with us for the night.

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