Monday, October 17, 2016

Day 2588

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 25. Its 21 here now.
Got Damien and Payton up and out the door this morning for their mom to pick them up. I then went out and installed some trim around the doors & the garage front. Then down and brought Landon up to have breakfast with us. After breakfast me and Noel started installing the metal panels on the garage front wall. When Noel went for a nap (he has to work tonight) Sarah helped me installed a large panel. I then installed some more trim and corner piece. After supper I cut and installed a piece above the small door and closed of the hip cap - one more piece and the front wall is half done. Slow going as there is a lot of cutting etc around both doors. Damien & Payton here with us for tonight.

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