Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Day 2597

A cloudy day here today and 6. Its 3 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and out the door this morning for their mom to pick them up. I then took our vehicle in to the dealership to have them do a repair on the paint scuffs around the door seals. After I got back home I brought Landon up to have breakfast with us. After breakfast I took Landon down to go to the library with nana and brought Charlie up. She spent the day here with Ruby as Sarah was busy. After breakfast I cleaned out the lower shed and put the items I removed in the garage. After lunch I built a ramp up to the door on the lower shed as Noel will be using that one to store his ride-on mower now. Then removed all the gardening gear from the canvas shelter and put it in the shed. After that I went to our auto dealer to pick up our vehicle - they buffed out the scuffs and took it to a detailing shop where the placed a clear tape around the doors. Looks good but there is a bubble in one spot - if it doesn't come out on its own I will go back Friday morning and they will fix it. Damien & Payton here with us for tonight.

Payton's school pumpkin project...

 Trying pop's hat......

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