Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 630

Some sun, some cloud, some wind & some showers here today and 23º. Its 20º here now.
Out working on putting Noel's mower engine back together this morning. We put it all back except the coil and flywheel as he has to get coil and hole in engine body repaired tomorrow. I then took down the flag pole as it was in among the trees and our flag was tangling in the trees and getting tore up. I gave the pole a couple coats of paint while I had it down. Also, did some small jobs around the home. After lunch me and Ruby out for a walk. We then erected the flag pole in the corner of the flower garden at the end of our driveway. After supper out on the deck enjoying the warm weather. Gonna watch the Bruins/Lightning hockey game now.

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