Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 625

Cloudy here today with some sun and a few showers and 17º. Its 16º here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 6 am this morning for Noel & Tammy to go to work and to wait for the grandkids to get up. I did my morning bus run. Ruby got Damien off to school and then brought Payton to our place. After breakfast I mowed and trimmed the lawn. Ruby and Payton went into Woodstock for some shopping. I also help a fellow park resident set up his deck along with some other people - he moved to a new lot and the deck was in sections so he needed a crew to lift the sections in place. Then it was off for my afternoon bus run. Ruby & Payton went into Noel's to wait for Damien to get home from school and Tammy to get home from work. After supper Ruby went for a walk.

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