Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 629

Mostly sunny day here today with some clouds and a hard shower at noon and 25º. Its 22º here now.
Into Noel's this morning and we took the engine out of his ride-on lawn mower and took it to my work shed. We then took the head and base of the engine to check and see why it was jamming - all good there. We then figured out it was something in the flywheel causing the problem. Into CTC in Woodstock to pick up a puller etc and when we pulled the flywheel off we found the problem. A magnet had cone unglued from the flywheel and and tore up the coil and broke off the post that holds the coil in place. There was a hole in the engine base where the post had broke off. Noel took the post, flywheel & coil into the small engine repair man behind his place and he can glue on the magnet, epoxy on the post or fill the hole with epoxy and he has a used coil available. hopefully that will do the trick. Then we watch the Canucks/Sharks hockey game. After supper I mowed the lawn and then we relaxed on the deck enjoying the nice warm evening

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