Friday, May 13, 2011

Day 619 & 620

Blog site down last night and I could not post so I will do 2 days now.
Thursday, May 12,2011
Mostly lite clouds and 23º.
Did my morning bus run and as soon as I got home went golfing with 3 other men from the park - 1st golf game of the year for me. Got home just in time to jump on the bus and do my afternoon bus run. Ruby & Linda out for a walk after lunch. After supper we relaxed and watched the Wings/Sharks hockey (mostly Ruby as it was too late for me lol).

Friday, May 13,2011
Lite clouds with some sun today and 27º (wow). It's 20º here now.
Did my morning bus run and stopped for tea and fuel after. After breakfast got caught up on some paper work then it was off on my afternoon bus run. Ruby out for a walk after lunch. Relaxing and enjoying the warm weather after supper.

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