Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 589

Sunny day here today with a bit of a cold wind and 14º. Its 8º here now.
Off to a rocky start this morning with my bus - no brake pressure so couldn't release the parking brake etc. Contacted Innerkip and then took our vehicle and drove there and got another bus to do my morning run. After my run I took that bus back to Innerkip and then picked up Payton on my way back home. After I got home Ruby left for her meeting in Woodstock. After our breakfast me and Payton (right Brenda lol) went for a walk (Payton in her buggy) down to my bus to see if the mechanics had been there to check out the problem - still the same. We then had a walk around the park. Ruby back home before lunch as she may have to take me to Innerkip to get a bus if mine is not repaired. After lunch me and Payton went down and checked my bus again and it was repaired. Phoned Innerkip to confirm and it was good to go. Ruby & Payton went for a walk and I did my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby brought Payton home. After supper it was some R & R.

Payton 'walking' with pop

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