Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 585

Mostly cloudy here today and cool with an easterly wind but cleared up in the evening and 10º. Its 6º here now.
Out for a walk first thing this morning. Dean and Brenda got here at 10:30 am - so good to see them. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here before lunch. Ruby had a great lunch ready. Noel & Tammy left after lunch as they both had to work this afternoon. After spending some time with Brenda & Dean and having fun with the grandkids we took them into Woodstock. They wanted to see the city and the Home Hardware store there. We had a great visit at the HH store (the time went so fast we didn't get to take the grandkids to their gymnastics - by the time we checked the time it was to late to go home and get them ready) and also drove around the city to show them some of it. We then went back to our place and Brenda & Dean left for their hotel in Waterloo. Then we went back into Woodstock to take the grandkids for supper at McD's and for them to do some shopping with their monthly allowance. After dropping me at home Ruby took them home to get them ready for bed and to stay with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Good food - good company - great

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