Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 579

Sunny with clouds in the afternoon here today and 8º. Its 2º here now.
Drove to Thamesford this morning for my first visit with our family doctor (prescription refill). I think we made a good choice in a family doctor - nice guy and he's even been to Deer Lake. He also gave me the papers to get a complete physical done (blood work etc) as he wants it for my file and when he sees Ruby he will get her to have one done too. After that I went into Woodstock and put the vehicle through the car wash, did some shopping, etc. After breakfast/lunch I cleaned the corn stove. We are out of corn and won't be using the stove any more this spring as its getting warmer and we have a small electric heater which will do for now. I also cleaned out the containers that I used to store the corn and put them away. After supper Noel dropped the grandkids here for a sleepover and we played a couple of games with them etc.

Some fun

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