Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 180

Nice warm, sunny spring like day here today.
Me and Carla did a Wii workout first thing this morning. After breakfast we went into Noel's to have a look at their snowman family (pics below)and to spend lunch with them. I walked part of the way while the girls were getting ready, takes a while for 3 girls to get ready ya know. After lunch Ruby, Carla & Kim went into Woodstock, some more shopping, and they dropped me off to walk home. On he way a large dog ran out from someones place and bit me on the back of my left leg above the knee. He did not break the skin but he left a good mark. Will have to carry a club or something while out walking now lol. When we all got back home we settled down to watch the gold medal hockey game between Canada & the USA. The girls were all ready as you can see from the pics below. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. Congrats Canada on the win and the great Olympic Games - ya done great!!!!! Carla and Kim are just gone for a walk and we are watching the closing ceremonies.

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