Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 163

Nice day here today - cloudy with sunny periods.
The grandkids were up bright and early this morning - before 6 am. After breakfast we took them skating. Payton wouldn't do any skating this morning, she said her legs were hurting. I think she was tired. Someone keeps them up late when they stay at our place. After skating we took them for lunch at Subway - that was their choice. After lunch we went to Walmart where they spent their monthly allowance. We brought them home after that - don't know who was more tired, them or us - some fun though lol. When we got home I did my Wii workout and then went for my walk. While I was gone for my walk Ruby did her workout. After supper we went into Noel's to watch the grandkids and we are here until Tammy comes home from work.

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