Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 158

A beautiful sunny day here today.
Wii 1st thing. Ruby's back still a bit stiff but coming along nicely. She still as the cold though. I was out for a walk after lunch and then out for a short walk with Ruby - she's easing back into it. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper. It was such a nice day we had a BBQ - not bad 1st BBQ of the year on Feb 6. Me and Noel played a game of golf on the Wii but he said he had to leave before we finished - I think it was because I was beating him lol. After they left we listened to some of the Wings & Caribous game but turned it of when the score was 6 -1 for the Boos. The Wings are gonna have to buck up if they are gonna go anywhere in the playoffs.

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