Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 155

A nice day here today - mild with a little wind and some flurries. Had about 4 cms of snow last night.
Did my Wii thing first thing this morning. Ruby's back was greatly improved this morning - she's moving around much better and starting to ease back to her work. After breakfast I gave the home a cleaning with some coaching from Ruby. She's starting to "bawl" at me again so that's a good sign lol. Damien & Payton here for lunch. After lunch I took them into Woodstock for some skating. Both of them fell asleep on the way. I got them ready and on the ice and Tammy came in after work to help out. Its amazing how much better they are compared to when they started. Both of them are starting to let go of the skating aide now and trying to do some skating on their own. After skating Tammy took them home and I picked up a few groceries as Ruby still as to take it easy. After I got home I went for a walk and Ruby felt good enough to get some supper - I guess my days in her kitchen are all but over. Into relax mode again after supper.

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