Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 167

Cloudy mild day here today.
Wii 1st thing. After breakfast cleaned the corn stove while Ruby did her Wii workout and her laundry. After lunch I got a locker in the park building and took the left over paint etc there as its heated all the time. Didn't want it freezing out in the shed. Went for a walk after that. While Ruby was getting supper she looked out the kitchen window and saw what she thought was a large rat by the bank of the brook running behind our place. It was a large rat but it was a muskrat. I went out and checked and he has a couple trails on the bank ands seemed to be collecting grass etc and taking it to the brook. Not sure if he is making a nest or not, not even sure if they even do that, but he's doing something with the grass I guess. After supper we settled in to watch some more of the Olympics.

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