Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 170

Mild day here today with some wind.
Wii 1st thing. After breakfast we picked up the grandkids and took them into Woodstock for some skating. When skating was over it was Damien's turn to pick the place for lunch. I bet you can guess where he picked, my we are spending some time at McDonalds. They had a great time in the playroom there. Then we took them to Walmart before dropping them of at home - some fun. When we got home Ruby done her Wii and I went for a walk. I also had another shot at the muskrat but missed again - must be the pellet gun lol. After supper I had another 20 bags of corn delivered which we stored in the bins on the patio. We are now watching the hockey game between Canada and the Swiss - GO CANADA!!!!!!!

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