Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 517

Some flurries here throughout the day but cleared up and sunny in the afternoon and -4º. Its -11º here now.
Put a coat of paint on the window trims this morning. After breakfast I went out and cleaned up a bit of snow but it was mostly all done last evening by neighbor with his snowblower. Also got the grandkids sleds out of the shed. After lunch I put another coat of paint on the window trims. After that dried I put the blinds back up. Then Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton arrived and we went to the ski hill in the park to do some sliding. Ruby stayed here to finish cooking supper and besides she is to nervous to watch the grandkids sliding. When we got back home me and Noel walked down to my bus where I checked it over and started it up and let it run for awhile. Different bus so I'm wasn't sure how good it was at starting in the cold but it started ok - will be a good test tomorrow morning as its suppose to be -20º here tonight. When we got back Ruby had a great cooked meal ready. Noel, Tammy and the grandkids left for home shortly after.

Sliding time

Great supper after

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