Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 511

A very cold day here today with -28º this morning but warmed up a little during the day with some flurries in the afternoon. Its -9º here now.
Ruby into Noel's at 6 am to wait for the grandkids to get up and then get them off to school. Did my morning bus run. Hard time getting the bus started but it got going after awhile. Stopped for a tea after and hooked my tailpipe in a snowbank at McDs. It came off the rubber mounts but no damage done. One of the other drivers took it to Kitchener and had it repaired and I took his bus home - lesson learned lol. After breakfast we went to HH in Woodstock and picked up some paint, etc to do the work on the living room walls. Then off to do my afternoon bus run. While I was gone Ruby went into Noel's to wait for the kids to get out of school just in case Tammy was late getting home from work but Tammy made it in time. After supper Noel dropped the grandkids here on his way to karate. They are here for a sleep over and are now in bed as Damien as school tomorrow.

Here for sleepover

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