Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 404

Another nice sunny day here today and 20º. Its 15º here now.
Out in the shed working on Damien's birthday present this morning then we got at winterizing the motorhome. Got some of it done, another day should take care of it. Then Ruby dropped me at Noel's and we went deer hunting - some luck this time. Noel shot at a doe which gave a big jump when he hit it and walked away. After he sat down in his tree stand to get ready to get down he saw a buck walking through the trees toward his opening. He got ready but the buck stopped just before he got to the opening and turned around and he did not get a shot. He lowered his bow down to the ground and while he was climbing down the ladder he saw another doe. He found his arrow stuck in the mud with deer hair and blood on it, there was even blood on the fletchs, and blood on the ground but no deer. He came and got me as it was getting late and we followed the blood trail with flashlights but could not find the deer. We found where it had stopped and turned around (quite a bit of blood) but it was to dark by that time and we are going back early tomorrow morning to try and find it. Noel was so excited, it's the first time he had ever shot at an animal. So glad it was him who had the opportunity as he had never done it before.

Trail cam pics

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