Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 356

Another warm (25º) sunny day and still 21º here now.
Great news - Tammy got a call today and she starts work at CAMI (GM plant in Ingersol) on Monday, August 30 - congrats Tammy.
Wii & walk 1st thing. After breakfast I went out and built & erected, with Ruby's help, two walls of the new room. Then I went to the pool to freshen up. Noel, Tammy, Damien and Payton here for supper and the grand kids here for a sleepover. After supper we had a walk in the park and down to the motor home. After Noel & Tammy left for home we took the grand kids to the pool. When we got back we had a smore/wiener roast on the deck. Payton was really tired and went to bed early. Just got in from the deck.


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