Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 341

Nice day today with some cloudy periods and 24º. Still 19º here now.
Wii and walk 1st thing. After breakfast I installed our driveway markers. After lunch I was out and did some sizing up of how i'm going to attach the room i'm going to build on to the trailer. I also unhooked a piece of siding on the trailer to check whats there to work with. Then it was of to the pool for a dip. After that I went up to Ernie's (our neighbour a couple of lots away & a newfie) for a couple of beers. Then Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here for supper and the grandkids are staying for a sleepover. After Noel & Tammy left we went for a walk in the forest, as the grandkids call it and when we got back they had their bath. We then had a fire and weenie roast on the deck. Both wouldn't long falling asleep when they went to bed.

Grandkids for the night

Walk in the forest

Weenie time

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