Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 350

Another 28º day here today with mostly cloudy, but felt like 38º with the humidity. Still 26º here now but we are in the middle of a thunderstorm.
It's been one year ago today that Ruby worked her last shift at the motel - imagine that.
Wii and walk 1st thing. Ruby did her Wii while I was out walking. After breakfast Ruby did her house cleaning and I took of starter strip, corner, eaves trough etc to get ready to add our room. After lunch we went to the pool to freshen up and then into Woodstock for the afternoon and evening to attend Cowapolooza. They had lots of things on the go there - something for everyone. We had our supper there and then watch the busker and music. Quite the show. The final show had to be cut short due to the thunder and lightening. We got a little wet before we got to the vehicle and just getting home now. Too bad the show had to be stopped because they were putting off an awesome show.

Some pics from Cowapolooza

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