Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 365

Another scorcher today. 32º with a humidex of 40º. Still 27º here now with a humidex of 32º. Its great to have the AC and the pool.
Wii and walk 1st thing. Ruby into Woodstock first thing this morning. After breakfast I went out and did some more work on the new room. Worked at it until lunch time but way to hot to do any more. Ruby picked up the grandkids after lunch on her way home from Woodstock. Then it was off to the pool for a couple of hours. Tammy picked up the grandkids on her way home from work. After supper it was R & R time.

A game of fish

Some more pool

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 364b


Also Tammy worked her first day at CAMI (GM) today - CONGRATS!!!!.

A very hot sunny one today, 33º with a humidex of over 40º. Still 27º here now with a humidex of 33º. Gonna be warm sleeping tonight. Home barred up all day with the AC flat out.
Wii 1st thing then me, Vic, Gord & Mike into Woodstock for 18 holes of golf. It was very warm by the time we finished at 12:15. Noel dropped the grandkids of here while I was gone to keep Ruby busy lol. After lunch we were off to the pool for a couple of hours for a cool down. Tammy picked up the grandkids on her way home from work. After supper we did our R & R.

From Saturday

Having fun today

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 364a

My numbers for the days in the title doesn't work out (i'm off by a couple of days) so I will have to do some adjusting lol.
A hot sunny one today with 30º but felt a lot hotter with the humidity. Sill 27º here now.
Not much happening today as it's our R & R day. Me, Noel & James were gonna go into our hunting place and set up the trail cam and then go to James's to do some bow shooting but James had to work and it was way to hot to do anything today. After supper we went to the pool to cool down a bit and then back to the our R & R.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 364

Nice warm sunny day today (26º) and 17º here now.
Wii 1st thing with the grandkids. Played some games with them then out for my walk. After breakfast I made up what material to return and what material I needed for the new room - change in the engineering plans. Noel & Tammy picked up the grandkids at lunch time. Noel came back in his pickup and we went to Home Hardware and returned some items and picked up some more. We then went into Noel's and a crowd of us went to the Loins Club / Fire Fighters Fish Fry held in Hickson. It's an annual thing there. They sell tickets before and it's a buffet style, all you can eat with fish, fries, baked potatoes, desserts, drinks, etc, etc. - great feed. We then went back to Noel's and had a lovely evening there with a few swallies and a fire. Just getting home now - the seniors had to leave early lol.

At Noel's and the fish fry