Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 96

Lots of frost again this morning but a cold sunny day - no snow yet.
Getting some things ready this morning for our trip to New York. Me, Noel & James in to check our trail camera after lunch - no pictures on it. A full week now and no deer pics - we moved the camera to another spot. Also took in some corn and corn cobs and put near to each of our setups. Hopefully it will attract some deer if the raccoons and squirrels don't eat it all first. Picked up Damien & Payton on the way home and brought them here for supper. Me & Noel loaded his pickup with most of the wood that was left (left a little bit for us in case we wanted to have a fire this summer) and took it into James place - he is thinking about getting a wood stove. We got 2 pickup loads plus from the 2 trees - packed in too. After Noel and the grandkids left we got our Christmas gifts and cards ready and will post them tomorrow.

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