Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 101

Very cold and windy today - not much snow down on the ground here though.
Into Woodstock today and returned the LP Generator we purchased on Monday and purchased a gas 3000 watt one they had on sale. Going to hook it to the trailer when we get a good day and see if it can run the corn stove, furnace and the fridge - should be able to. We will then have a backup to keep the place warm in case we ever lose our power here. Into Noel's after we got back. Noel had to come home from work because of the stomach flu - throwing up. Payton is sick with the same thing. Ruby is also sick again with the sore throat and sinuses.
Some good news - Noel may get to transfer from the Toyota plant in Cambridge to the new one in Woodstock after Christmas as they are adding a 2nd shift there. It would be great as the Woodstock plant is a lot closer and would cut way down on his driving time. Wish him luck.

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