Saturday, December 12, 2009

Day 102

Beautiful sunny day here today, 2 degrees. Feels good after the 2 very cold days we just had. Into Woodstock this morning and got my seasonal flu and H1N1 shots. Ruby still sick with the flu so she could not get hers - they have another clinic on Thursday so if she feels better she may get them then. Me and Noel in to check our camera and to do some hunting after lunch. No luck again with the hunting - no sign around my blind but lots of sign around Noel's stand. Had to do some repairs on my tent blind after the high winds - got a few tears in it. We did not get any pics of deers (the camera is set up by my blind) but we got lots of the bad weather and some of a grouse which was eating the corn in front of my blind. Damien and Payton here when we got back. After they left we listened to the Red Wings & Cataracts game - way to pull one of Deer Lake - keep it up.

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