Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 120

Wednesday, December 30 2009
Frosty this morning (-14 deg) but warmed up nicely during the day.
Me, Noel & Damien went into Bass Pro to return my 1 piece hunting suit Ruby gave me for Christmas - a bit too tight. I purchased a 2 piece winter suit instead. We also picked up some archery gear - target, arrows etc and I picked up some accessories for the bow Noel,Tammy & grandkids gave me for Christmas. Quite the outdoors store for everything you could need. Still have to take my bow to an archery place up here to get the peep sight, trigger piece etc installed. Ruby had a pot of turkey soup on when we got back and then she went into Woodstock to pick up her turkey etc for New Years Day. Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton here for supper. After they left we did our workout on Ruby's Wii Fit and played a couple games of golf before bed.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 119

Cold day with a little wind.
Spent the morning with the grandkids and took them sliding after lunch. Not much snow on the hills except near the trees as it all blew away in the open areas. They loved their new sleds. Noel & Tammy came after the kids while we were sliding. We cannot get a family doctor up here but we were to a Walk-In clinic, prescription renewal, and they are a regular thing up here. They operate after 5 pm and Saturday mornings. So I guess we will be using it until we can get a family doctor. The corn man was here with another load after supper - gotta keep Ruby warm lol.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 118

A couple of inches of snow here today and with the wind it was a little stormy at times. Noel and Tammy dropped the grandkids here at 2 pm today - they are here for a sleep over. Spent the day entertaining the grandkids or I should say they were entertaining us. With the snow we had today they may get to try their new sleds tomorrow.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Day 117

Another pretty good day today - cloudy with a few flurries but not too cold.
Into Noel's this morning and then we all went into Tavistock to watch the Olympic Torch Relay go through that town - quite the crowd out to see the event. After lunch me and Noel went hunting. No deer but we did see 2 pheasants on the way in and I saw aprox. 15 pheasants out in the field while I was in my blind. Hopefully they'll still be around there next year when we get our guns and licence. Noel, Damien & Payton here for supper as Tammy was working.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Day 116

Nice mild day here today - the little bit of snow we had is mostly gone now.
Me and Ruby had a bit of a relaxing day today. Ruby got a Wii console and Wii Fit Plus for Christmas. Both of us tried that out - its quite the workout and quite the laugh. Still getting my walk in every day I can - Ruby hasn't walked lately because she still can't seem to shake the flu she has but she is getting over it now it seems. Gotta go and beat Ruby a game of bowling on her Wii - she's in practicing now - can't let her practice to long, she may beat me lol.
Some more pics from yesterday below.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Day 115

Carla woke Ruby with a phone call this morning. Me and Ruby opened our presents and Noel, Tammy, Damien & Payton came out at 1030 to bring out our gifts and to open their's. It was wonderful to have our first Christmas here with them. We were into Noel's for Christmas supper along with Tammy's mother. Noel and Tammy certainly done a great job on the meal. All in all a great Christmas Day.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 114

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends - we really miss you but are enjoying our time here with our family. We just got back from Noel's where they had an evening with Tammy's family and us. Finger foods and desert galore. The grandkids just went to bed before we left - they are really excited. We can't wait to be with them tomorrow when they come here to open their gifts. It's gonna be great.
Here are some pics of the gifts when Tammy and the grandkids showed up last night and we had to cover them with sheets.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Day 113

Sunny, frosty day today.
Into Woodstock this morning to pick up the last Christmas gift again - that last one is hard to get lol. Ruby was all day wrapping presents - she finally finished at supper time. Tammy, Damien & Payton came for a visit after supper. We were not expecting them and all the presents were stacked in the living room. What a rush trying to get the presents covered before they got in the house . The grandkids were curious as to what was under the sheets. Ruby told them it was my gifts and that it was there secret lol.
We hope Marlene, Bruce, Chris & Dean have fun at the motel staff party tonight - have one for me & Ruby.
Here are some more pics from yesterday.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day 112

Sunny day but a bit cold.
Ruby into Woodstock for a Christmas party/lunch this morning. I wrapped my gifts while she was gone. Tammy, Damien, Payton & Emily (their cousin) here at 1045 to go sliding. Still not much snow for it but the kids had a great time. We are getting ready to go out for our anniversary supper now (our anniversary was yesterday but we usually go out on Tuesday night). After supper we are going into Noel's to watch the grandkids while Tammy works 9 to 12.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 111

Weather still good up this way - just a skim of snow overnight and not to cold.
Into Woodstock this morning to purchase the last Christmas gift - I think lol. Ruby just started her gift wrapping - suppose to be lots of time now for these sort of things but time is flying. Getting ready now to go to Noel's to watch the grandkids until Tammy come home from work.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 110

Me and Noel in hunting before daybreak this morning - a bit cold. Did not see anything but got some pics of some pheasants on the trail camera. No deer though - they must be all gone to the North pole for Santa's big day lol. Ruby got some shots of a rabbit behind our trailer. Payton here with Ruby while me and Noel picked up Damien from a birthday party and the they were here for supper. Gotta run now and watch the final of Survivor.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Day 109

Another good day - cloudy and cool and no snow.
Noel and Tammy picked up the grandkids before lunch and took them shopping and out to lunch. Me and Ruby went to the Pot Luck Christmas supper at the park chalet. Its the first function we were to at the chalet. Got to meet a few more people from the park and the meal was delicious.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 108

Not a bad day today - around 3 degrees but still no snow - maybe a couple of inches on the ground.
Into Cambridge and Kitchener this morning to do some more Christmas shopping - doesn't seem to end does it. Just when you think you're finished up comes something else lol. Oh well such is Christmas. Into Noel's after supper to pick up the grandkids as they are here for another sleepover.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 107

Nice day - around 0 degrees and no wind.
Up bright and early this morning with the grandkids - well not actually bright as it was still dark then. After breakfast we dug out our snowmobile clothes and took them sliding on the old ski hill in the park. Noel showed up just as we were leaving and he went over with us. The hill is right behind where we have our motor home parked. The grandkids gave us quite the workout - climbing the hill and pulling them around. It was great fun and we enjoyed it. Not a lot of snow here yet for sliding. After supper we are going in to watch them while Tammy and Noel works.