Sunday, May 27, 2018

Day 3184

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 25 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning before he went down to the house. I then went out and repaired Chase's cable run. I then set up the 10' by 10' canopy by our trailer. Then me, Noel & Charlie went into Woodstock to pick up the supplies for Ruby's early birthday party - we had her party early as all the grandkids are here this weekend. After that me & Landon went into Woodstock to pick up Ruby's gift & cake. When we got back home Bob & Sue here for the birthday supper and Noel did his dry rub ribs on the BBQ - so good along with home fries. Landon & Charlie are sleeping here with us tonight.

Gaga's early birthday party.....

 Landon's pics lol.....

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