Thursday, May 10, 2018

Day 3167

A mostly cloudy day here today and 19. Its 12 here now.
Up with Landon & Charlie this morning. Got them ready and when their Sarah got home from work she took them to their daycare. After breakfast we got ready and went to London where I bought a used satellite receiver from a guy there. Then we went to Costco to pick up a load before heading back to Woodstock. Stopped in Woodstock to pick up a few more things before heading home. I then did some repairs on Landon's lawn chair. After that I ran a cable from the satellite dish to our trailer and setup up the receiver I bought in our bedroom. I then got the receiver activated through out TV company. All here for supper. Watching the Jets / Predators hockey game now - Go Jets Go!

A 2 color one.....

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