Thursday, May 3, 2018

Day 3160

A cloudy day here today with showers throughout the day and 22. Its 16 here now.
Up with Landon & Charlie this morning and then took them into Woodstock to their daycare. After I got back home we had our breakfast and I then went out to the shed where I put our new BBQ together. Ruby resting as she is not feeling well. After lunch I started making a new vertical base plate for Noel's metal cutting band saw - the one there now has a square hole around the blade and when cutting the thin metal for his roses its kinks into the hole. Then back into Woodstock to pick up a few things and before returning home I picked up the grandkids from their daycare. They were here with us for supper and then Charlie went down to the house with her mom and Landon sleeping here with us.

Enjoying the toys we brought back for them....

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