Thursday, May 31, 2018

Day 3188

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 29. Its 25 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning before he went down to the house. I then got ready and went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes along with 4 other people. Into the clubhouse after golf for a refreshment. When I got back home me & Ruby installed the rest of the deck boards we had here. I then went into Woodstock to pick up some more deck boards. When I got back home we unloaded the boards and then Ruby went to pick up Landon & Charlie at their daycare while I finished installing the deck boards on our deck. We then got ready and went to a restaurant in Woodstock for Ruby's birthday supper. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Deck top finished.....

 Having fun....

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Day 3187

A mostly sunny day here today with some cloud in the late afternoon and 31. Its 28 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon & Charlie this morning before their mom took them to their daycare when she got home from work. Then back to work on our deck - installed the joist hangers, installed the joist and half the deck boards with a little help from Noel & Ruby. Landon sleeping here with us tonight.

Making headway....

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Day 3186

A sunny day here today and 30. Its 25 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning before Noel took them to their daycare. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and shopping after. I went outside and started building our deck - got the outside and center framing done, squared and leveled. Landon & Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

Start of deck #2......

Monday, May 28, 2018

Day 3185

A sunny day here today and 32. Its 29 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning - Charlie slept in. Noel then took them to their daycare. After that I went to a golf course in Woodstock where I played 18 holes along with 3 other guys. Into the clubhouse after golf for a refreshment. On the way back home I stopped to pick up an item. Then home to relax as it was to hot to do anything outside. Ruby doing some baking and cleaning.

Picking up supplies for Gaga's b'day party....

 Being cool.....

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Day 3184

A sunny day here today and 29. Its 25 here now.
Up and had breakfast with Landon this morning before he went down to the house. I then went out and repaired Chase's cable run. I then set up the 10' by 10' canopy by our trailer. Then me, Noel & Charlie went into Woodstock to pick up the supplies for Ruby's early birthday party - we had her party early as all the grandkids are here this weekend. After that me & Landon went into Woodstock to pick up Ruby's gift & cake. When we got back home Bob & Sue here for the birthday supper and Noel did his dry rub ribs on the BBQ - so good along with home fries. Landon & Charlie are sleeping here with us tonight.

Gaga's early birthday party.....

 Landon's pics lol.....