Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Day 2450

A sunny day here today and 25. Its 17 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and ready for their mom to pick them up this morning. Ruby went to her TOPS meeting and some shopping after. I spent the morning getting things ready to take the motor home out on the road for a prospective buyer. Sarah took Landon to the hospital for his surgery. After lunch a couple who had looked at the motor home earlier here and I took them for a ride in it - they were quite pleased with it and gave us a down payment. I have to get it certified & e-tested and then we will deliver it to them along with the car dolly - he can't drive it yet as he does not have his air brake endorsement. Landon home from surgery in the afternoon - a little groggy & sore but by the evening he was outside playing. After supper I took Damien to Saint Paul's for his soccer game.

Testing for a new belt....

 After his surgery.....

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