Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Day 2430

A sunny day here today and 22. Its 19 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and ready for their mom to pick them up. Then Landon out for breakfast with us. After breakfast I went into Woodstock to see if I could find some scrap pieces of 2 by 4 at the building supply stores to get started on doing the footing forms for Noel's garage. Found some long pieces but couldn't take them in the car and can't tow our trailer because it needs a 2 5/16" ball. Went back home and after lunch me and Ruby went into Woodstock - I dropped her off for some shopping and I looked for something so I could put a 2 5/16" ball on a 1.25" receiver. Couldn't find anything without getting the 1.25" to 2" receiver converter and I didn't want to do that. When we got back home I started getting things ready to square up the footings. Noel picked up Damien & Payton on his way home from work and they were all here for supper. After supper me & Noel got at squaring up for the footings but ran into trouble as we couldn't drive any wooden pegs in the ground at the back - to rocky. Got the front done but will try and see if we can do the back with angle iron later.

Charlie got her ears pierced....

Landon ready to go to the library with nana.....

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