Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day 2444

A mostly sunny day here today and 29. Its 23 here now.
Got Damien & Payton up and ready this morning for their mom to pick them up. Landon out for breakfast with us. After breakfast me & Noel removed the pump from the pool filter, removed the sand and then the pipe & laterals. Will have to get new laterals as some have the clip broken - was getting sand in the pool from the filter last year. I then gave everything a good cleaning. I then made a little sandbox for Landon with the sand from the pool filter. Ruby into Woodstock to pick up a few things. Noel took his Jeep to get a safety inspection and when him & Sarah went to pick it up I watched Landon & Charlie. When Noel got back with the Jeep we had to do a couple of things so it would pass inspection - got the backup lights working and fixed a slow signal on the drivers side. Damien & Payton here with us for tonight.

A few more....

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