Monday, May 2, 2016

Day 2431

Rain here in the morning with clouds and some sun in the afternoon and 13. Its 10 here now.
Got Damien & Payton ready for school this morning and then Noel took them there. I went into Woodstock to check out some minivans - may trade if we can get the right deal. After I got back home I went with Sarah to take Landon to his doctor's appointment. When I got back home me & Landon removed the TPMS sensors from the car, car dolly and motorhome. We then installed the stands under the entry steps, put some patio stones in front of the steps, hooked up the propane stay-a-while system on the motorhome and put out the awning and anchored it with the poles I made up while in Florida. Damien & Payton here after supper and Payton is sleeping here with us.

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