Friday, July 19, 2019

Days 3608, 3609, 3610 & 3611

Our camping trip weather: Tuesday nice and sunny, Wednesday we had rain in the morning until 1 pm & sunny after, Thursday sunny all day & today sunny when we left but ran into thunder showers about 1/2 hour from home. It was 30 here today with thunderstorms in the afternoon. Its 24 here now.
Left home for our camping trip to Rock Point Provincial Park on Tuesday at 1230 with me, Ruby, Landon & Charlie in our vehicle and Noel, Damien & Payton in Noel's truck. Arrived at the park at 1445, checked in, setup everything up and did weiners, smores, etc over the fire for supper.
Wednesday morning I went for a walk and when I got back the rain started. Noel was going to do bacon & eggs over the fire with his tripod cooker but he had to do it under the canopy on the outside stove due to the rain. After the rain stopped we got things cleaned up, lots of mud, and then got the fire going, set up Noel's tripod cooker where we did steaks for supper along with potatoes, onions & mushrooms - his tripod cooker works great and the steaks tasted great.
Thursday morning Noel did his bacon & eggs for breakfast again. We then took Landon & Charlie out around the park on their bikes - they just started riding them recently. Sarah here at lunchtime and we then went to the beach while Noel & Damien stayed at the campsite and got supper ready. Did prime rib roast, pork roast and veggies in a cast iron pot hung from his tripod over the open fire - tasted great.
Friday morning Sarah left to head back home and Noel did bacon and eggs for breakfast. After that we packed things up and left the park at 1200. Me, Ruby, Landon & Charlie stopped at a DQ on the way home for an ice cream. Ran into a thunderstorm after that and got home at 1500, unpacked, cleaned things up, etc.
A great camping trip with the grandkids having so much fun!

Tuesday - Day 1...

 Wednesday - Day 2...

 Thursday Day 3...

 Friday Day 4...

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