Friday, July 5, 2019

Days 3594, 3595, 3596 & 3597

A sunny day here today with a thunderstorm shortly after supper and 32. Its 27 here now.
Left home at 1245 on Tuesday for our camping trip at Rockwood Conservation Center. Me, Ruby, Landon & Charlie travelled in our vehicle and towed the camper while Sarah, Damien & Payton travelled in Sarah's vehicle - Noel had to work. Arrived at the campground at 1415, got set up and bbq'd for supper. On day 2 we had a beach day and day 3 we walked to the caves and played mini golf. Packed up this morning and got back home at 1230. Had a great trip with the only rain on the 1st day while driving there and sunny & hot the rest of the time. Everyone enjoyed the trip especially the grandkids.

Day 1...

 Day 2...

 Day 3...

 Day 4....

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