Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Day 3343

A cloudy day here today with a cold wind and 6. Its 4 here now.
Got breakfast for Landon & Charlie this morning and then got them dressed and took them down to the house. Me and Sarah then saw Landon off to school. After Ruby's breakfast we went into Woodstock where we picked up our 6 month supply of medicine and then made a couple more stops before heading back home. When we got back home we took everything out off our vehicle as it is being detailed tomorrow. We then discovered that 2 bottles of my medicine were missing. After searching without any luck I called the drug store and they told me I had left them on the counter there so I went back to the store to get them. In the afternoon I went down to the house and repaired a leak in the water line connection by the well pump. Landon & Charlie here with us tonight.

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