Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Day 3336

A cold cloudy windy day here today with some rain, some hail and even a little snow squall.
Had breakfast with Landon and Charlie this morning before I got them dressed. Then Noel here and we took them down for Landon to catch his bus. After that I took our vehicle to the dealership in Woodstock to have it serviced. While it was being done I walked to a drug store and got my flu shot - Ruby got hers yesterday. At lunchtime I went into Woodstock to pick up Damien from his school as he wasn't feeling well. In the afternoon we did a few more small things to get ready for our Florida trip - weather to bad for any outside work. Also checked out why our internet not working - still down, will have to do more checking tomorrow. Landon and Charlie sleeping here with us tonight.

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