Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 1620

A cold sunny day here today and -11. Its -13 here now.
Up with the grandkids this morning to get them ready for their mom to pick them up on her way home from work. Then got ready to head out to Shouldice Hospital in Thornhill. Me, Ruby & Sarah left Noel's at 1040 in Sarah's Jeep and arrived at the hospital at 1240 - traffic jam on 401 due to an accident. Ruby & Sarah waited until I got checked in, lab work done, etc and then they left for home. I saw the surgeon who is going to do my surgery tomorrow and then got settled in my room. Went for an orientation meeting at 1630 and supper at 1730 in the dining room - good meal. Will hear later tonight when I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow - they are doing 33 hernia surgeries here tomorrow.

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