Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 1599

A mix of sun and cloud here today and 24º Its 22º here now.
Walked to the gym this morning for a workout. We then went to the park hall for donuts & tea and a Park association meeting after. After the meeting Ruby helped decorate the hall for Valentines Day. We then had a rep from the Canadian Snowbirds Assoc. give us Canadians a talk on our time in the US, border crossings, etc. Ruby & them then finished decorating the hall. I got at trying to remove the glue from the motorhome 'bonnet' - tried a few products - no luck. Went to a few stores to try and find something to remove it - no luck. Tried some other things when I got back - very hard to remove. Checked online and found something at an auto store and will pick it up tomorrow and hopefully it will work. After supper Ruby to the park hall for her exercise class - they could not do it this morning because of the meeting.

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