Friday, February 28, 2014

Day 1621

A cold sunny day here today and -11. Its - 13 here now.
Another day at Shoyldice Hospital. After breakfast I had half of my wound staples removed. Before lunch I attended an exercise class for some stretching etc. Spent the rest of the day relaxing with some reading, tv, etc, etc. Ruby, Sarah, Sara2(sister-in-law) & Sue(mom) made some cookies etc for Sarah's baby shower on Sunday.

Thursday, February 27, 2014


A mostly sunny cold day here today and -12. Its -16 in Woodstock now. Good to be inside with this cold weather.
Texted Ruby to get the grandkids up and get them ready for their mother to pick them up on her way home from work. Payton said 'I can't beleive pop is at the hospital and he is still getting us out of bed' lol. Got prepped early this morning for my hernia surgery. Took to the pre-op room at approx 0730, had my surgery done at approv 0930 and back in my room before 1100. Very efficient and friendly group of doctors and nurses they have here. Rested for the afternoon, had supper in my room and then got up for some walking around. Some pain and stiffness but not bad.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 1620

A cold sunny day here today and -11. Its -13 here now.
Up with the grandkids this morning to get them ready for their mom to pick them up on her way home from work. Then got ready to head out to Shouldice Hospital in Thornhill. Me, Ruby & Sarah left Noel's at 1040 in Sarah's Jeep and arrived at the hospital at 1240 - traffic jam on 401 due to an accident. Ruby & Sarah waited until I got checked in, lab work done, etc and then they left for home. I saw the surgeon who is going to do my surgery tomorrow and then got settled in my room. Went for an orientation meeting at 1630 and supper at 1730 in the dining room - good meal. Will hear later tonight when I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow - they are doing 33 hernia surgeries here tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 1619

A cold mostly sunny day here today and -8º. Its -9º here now.
Up early with the grandkids to get them ready for their mother to pick them up on her way home from work. Ruby into Woodstock for her TOPS meeting (surprised them) and some shopping after. I spent another day relaxing with some TV, reading, etc. Gonna be good to get out of the house and get something done with the hernia. Grandkids here after school and they are staying for the night.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Day 1618

Snow here in the morning and sunny in the afternoon and -7º. Its -9º here now.
Up early and got the grandkids ready for their mother to pick them up on her way home from work. Ruby & Sarah left to go to Sarah's doctor appointment in Stratford but they came back home because of the weather - snow and whiteout conditions. After lunch me & Ruby went to Walmart to pick up a few items and for me to get out of the house for a little walk. Noel picked up the grandkids on his way home from work and they are here for the night.

Grandkids here again......

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Day 1617

A sunny day here today and -2º. Its -7º here now.
Relaxing day today hanging with Noel & Sarah. Ruby cooked a nice supper. Watching TV and reading. Waiting for the grandkids to come here for the night now.

Another day.....

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Day 1616

A cold sunny day here today with a cold wind and 2º. Its -2º here now.
Spent the morning enjoying the grandkids. After lunch we went to Braemar Valley Park to pick up our mail etc. Then into Woodstock to pick up a few items. Good to get out of the house - this waiting around doing nothing is not what it's cracked up to be lol. 

Waiting for Landon.......

Friday, February 21, 2014

Day 1615

A cold cloudy windy day here today and 5º. Its -1º here now.
I'm taking it easy - doing some computer work for Noel, watching olympics, etc. Ruby & Sarah into Woodstock after lunch to pick up a few things. Noel picked up the grandkids on his way home from work and they are here for the night.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day 1614

A cold day here in Toronto/Woodstock today with snow, freezing rain, rain and thunder & lightning.
Got a shuttle from the hotel to Shouldice Hospital this morning. I had applied online from Florida and they told me when I got there that they had me scheduled to see a surgeon on April 8. But I had not heard from them. Its a walk-in clinic so I got in to see a surgeon - quite the crowd there but I was there early so not to long for me to get in. He took all my info etc and then checked my hernia. I informed him that for me to get reimbursed from our travel insurance I had to have my surgery within 20 days from my initial diagnosis. After my evaluation I met with the scheduling secretary and informed her and she managed to get me set up for surgery on Thursday, Feb 27. I have to be at the hospital on Wed and stay for 4 nights. Very lucky to get in so fast as their is usally a 6 to 8 week wait. Then Sarah and Bob (her dad) came in and picked us up. Stopped at Tim's for a snack and then headed for Noel's. I drove back and we ran into some bad weather - very slow going on the 401. Took us 3 hours for a 1 1/2 drive. Noel picked up the grandkids on his way home from work and they were so surprised when they walked in - should see the look on their faces - priceless. Bob & Sue here with us for supper - chinese food. Busy day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Day 1613

A warm sunny day when we left largo, FL this mornung but not so warm here in Toronto.
Got things set up with our travel insurance to fly us to Canada to have my hernia checked. Had lots of pain and nausea last night. Packed a few things, got the motorhome ready for us to leave and left our park at 1105 and headed to Tampa Airport - Buck gave us a ride there. Left Tampa at 1345 and arrived in Toronto at 1630. Got a cab from the airport to our hotel - there at 1800. Got settled in, had supper and it will be an early night tonight as we are both tired.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day 1612

A warm sunny day here today and 24º. Its 19º here now.
Out for a walk around the park this morning. After a late breakfast we got ready and went to Redington Beach for the day. After supper Ruby went to bingo at the park hall.

Beach day.......

Monday, February 17, 2014

Day 1611

A nice warm sunny day here today and 25º. Its 14º here now.
Out for a walk around the park this morning and Ruby went to the park hall for her exercise class. After breakfast I went with Tim to Lazydays & Campers World to pick up a few things - we even looked at a few motorhomes. Ruby & Diane went for a walk and some shopping. After supper we went to Mike & Diane's and then the 4 of us went to visit Tim & Sandy to see their new to them motorhome - nice. They are just getting into full time rving like us.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day 1610

A sunny day here today and 18º. Its 12º here now.
Out or a walk around the park after breakfast this morning - walking slower now because of the hernia. Gerry and Yvonne here for a visit after lunch. We then went across the road to Fred & Dianne's and helped them do a deep fried meal. We used 2 turkey cookers and cooked up a meal of home fries, onion rings, battered fish and Ruby did a pot of hamburger meat and gravy - all the healthy stuff lol. Very tasty though and we even use lard which made it even tastier. After that we were down to Mike & Diane's for a visit.

Deep fried meal.......