Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 726

A nice warm sunny day here today and 24º. Its 17º here now.
Off for 18 holes of golf this morning with 2 other guys from the park. After I got home a fellow school bus driver picked me up and we took 2 buses from Innerkip to Kitchener. We came back from Kitchener in the buses that we will be driving for the upcoming school year - I got a new bus this year with only 33000 kms on it. Ruby picked up Damien and Payton while I was gone. When I got back home with the bus I took Damien to his karate class. After we got home we all went to the park pool for a swim. Ruby then took them home to get them ready for bed and stay with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Pool time

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