Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 711

A great mostly sunny day for the start of our return trip and 22º. Its 15º here in Port Aux Basques now.
After breakfast got things ready for our return trip. Me, Ruby, Helen, Earl & Rebecca left HEW resort at 1:45 pm - we were treated so good there we even took the owners with us. Stopped in Deer Lake to say goodbye to mom & dad. Then, guess what, we stopped at the Dollar store for Ruby to do some shopping - first stop of many i'm sure lol. Had a great ride out to PAB and arrived at Marine Atlantic at 6 pm. After we checked in Ab & Dood came in 2 cars to pick us up. They took us to a restaurant in Margaree - great food and service. They then took us to Isle Aux Morts to visit JoAnn and Roger. Had a lovely visit with them and then Dood and Ab dropped us at Marine Atlantic. It was good to see everyone and thanks Dood & Ab for picking us up and taxiing us around. At the terminal now waiting - everyone napping so its time for me to have one.

On the way

A great evening with our good friends

1 comment:

  1. Really enjoyed your visit,,,,always does my heart good to see Ruby,,,, then i get a bonus of see Helen also,,, We met at linedancing and decided we would be friends for life,,,and,,,it was a very good choice,,,,Drive safe,,,You have very vaulable cargo,,,we will remember you in our prayers,,,,I will be following your travels,,,Lots of love from Ab and Dood
