Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 718

Beautiful warm sunny day today and 29º. Its 23º here now.
Left campground at 09:30 am and arrived at Donnie & Doris's at 10:20 am. Women went shopping (strange lol) and after they got back we had a great brunch at Donnie & Doris's. After brunch we went down to old Montreal and we spent the afternoon and evening there. Took a tour on an auto/boat (an old school bus converted to travel on the road and the water). At Chinatown for supper and then back to Donnie & Doris's. Said our good-byes to Donnie & Doris and got back to the campground at 11:20 pm. We had a great day thanks to Donnie & Doris - thanks so much - great to see you and spend the day with you.

Our day in Montreal with Donnie & Doris

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