Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 728

Another warm sunny day here today and 26º. Its 18º here now.
Into Innerkip this morning where I met a fellow bus driver and after picking up a couple more bus drivers we went to the bus companies start up meeting in Kitchener. Noel dropped the grandkids here before supper and after supper we went to the pool for a swim. Ruby then took them home and is staying with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 727

A nice warm sunny day again today and 26º. Its 18º here now.
Into Woodstock this morning - Ruby for her meeting and I had some things to do there. After lunch I went in and picked up the grandkids - they are here for a sleepover. Me and Damien were out for a bike ride. BBQ for supper and after supper we were up to the pool for a swim. We then went for a ride into Tavistock to check on some road construction which will affect by bus route.

Pool time again

Little carpenters

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 726

A nice warm sunny day here today and 24º. Its 17º here now.
Off for 18 holes of golf this morning with 2 other guys from the park. After I got home a fellow school bus driver picked me up and we took 2 buses from Innerkip to Kitchener. We came back from Kitchener in the buses that we will be driving for the upcoming school year - I got a new bus this year with only 33000 kms on it. Ruby picked up Damien and Payton while I was gone. When I got back home with the bus I took Damien to his karate class. After we got home we all went to the park pool for a swim. Ruby then took them home to get them ready for bed and stay with them until Tammy gets home from work.

Pool time

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 724 & 725

Nice warm sunny day here today with a bit of wind and 22º. Its 15º here now.
Had breakfast in Niagara Falls and then said our good byes. We had a great summer thanks to Helen & Earl and it was great to have them along on our return trip - gonna miss you guys. It was great meeting Donna and Howard - for the second time lol. We arrived home at 2 pm - that's all the travelling for this summer. Got at catching up on all the paper work etc then.

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Left home at 12 noon under warm sunny skies and arrived in Niagara Falls at 1:45 pm. Got checked in and went for a walk, etc. Returned to the hotel and waited for Helen, Earl, Donna & Howard (Helen's sister and her husband) to arrive. The arrived at the hotel at 4:30 pm. Out for the evening then - supper, walking the streets, casino, etc. Very warm evening - great for outdoors.

Our trip to Niagara Falls