Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 546

Mild day here today with rain in the morning and some sun in the afternoon and 2º. We had some hard rain overnight. Its -4º here now.
Started out to do my bus run this morning but could not get up the hill on the road outside the park. The road was a sheet of ice and the bus started fishtailing when I got to the bottom of the hill - too slippery to try the hill. Called Sharp's in Kitchener and informed that I could not do my run. Had a job to get the bus off the road and back in the park - took me about 15 mins. as the bus didn't want to go where it was steered. After breakfast I did some more work on the living room walls. I then went for a walk and checked out the road for my afternoon run - all okay - road graded and sanded. Did my afternoon bus run and after supper it was some R & R.

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